Welcome to Shibui wood & designs
we are a family owned shop that takes the time and care to create each item by hand. All are creations are inspired by the beauty and simplicity that is found everyday in nature.
Our Roots
Here at Shibui Wood & Designs, we are a family owned shop that takes the time and care to create each item by hand. All our creations are inspired by the beauty and simplicity that is found every day in nature. We strive to design and build attractive items that are visually appealing and also have an everyday use.
Our Process
Before any piece can be created whether it be a table or ring box, the wood selection must happen. In our opinion this is the most important step in the whole process. When crafting custom pieces, the client chooses the wood they want with some guidance from our team.
our mission
highlighting natures beauty through
the use of wood.
Some of earth’s most fascinating and mesmerizing works
of art can be found everywhere around the world. Yet most people take these
amazing trees for granted, walking by them without ever taking the time to admire their magnificence.

“I love imperfections and flaws in wood. It’s what makes them unique.”